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ODKAZ NA PODCAST: Hypertrofická KMP - Zabiják mladých sportovců
Zde najdete echokardiografický záznam pacientky s Hypertrofickou KMP:
1. Improved survival in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest by not performing CPR: Comparison of two response systems in the same city. Heart Rhythm Society 2012 Special Abstract Session. Capucci A, Aschieri D, Pelizzonia V et al.
2. Contemporary Definitions and Classification of the Cardiomyopathies : An American Heart Association Scientific Statement From the Council on Clinical Cardiology, Heart Failure and Transplantation Committee Donna Arnett, Arthur J. Moss, Christine E. Seidman and James B. Young Barry J. Maron, Jeffrey A. Towbin, Gaetano Thiene, Charles Antzelevitch, Domenico Corrado
3. http://www.kardiomyopatie.cz/
4. Pavel Klener et al. - Vnitřní lékařství (4.vydání)
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